
苏梅岛, 博普

住客评分为 5 (满分為 5星)
邻近海滨 无边泳池 海景別墅 免费Wifi
私人厨师 空调 3名别墅前台 24小时保安服务
保险箱 适合有小孩的家庭 设备齐全的厨房 礼宾服务 (懂国语)
靠近海滩 游泳池 酒窖 停车位
禁烟别墅 接送服务 按摩 需支付保证金
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距离机场 : 15 分钟 距离拉迈 : 20 分钟 距离沙滩 : 海滨别墅 距离那通 : 25 分钟

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4 间卧室 3 间卧室 2 间卧室 1 间卧室
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5 星為最高 5
4 客户反馈
shelley, from China
评价 Mar 23 2017
别墅在波普湾北部的Dhevatara Residence里。Dhevatara Residence临海,有拥有一大片沙滩,而这座别墅刚好面朝沙滩,离沙滩也不远。沙滩很少人去也很安静,有点像私人的。走进别墅一股热带的气息迎面而来,热带植物的摇曳、微风的拂面,还有别墅的设计风格。别墅的设备很齐全,很适合短期度假。服务人员的 ... Read more+ 态度很好。吃的有菜单推荐,也可以自己提要求,厨师会尽量满足。
丽婷, from China
评价 Mar 23 2017
一走进别墅是一个可以停车的庭院,很适合自驾游的旅客。别过庭院,沿着着砂砾小路可以通往家具齐全的海滨居住区和泳池。泳池很大,大概有10m长吧。有几张躺椅放在池岸边上,方便享受日光浴跟休息。泳池正对着是一个没什么人的沙滩,感觉不太远,而且服务员也告诉我们怎么去、大概几分钟路程。别墅有两个厨房,一个是开放式的,一般供游客烹饪 ... Read more+ 的;还有一个比较隐匿,因为那是厨师跟服务员用的。卧室很干净。洗漱用具都很齐全。木架子床、木衣柜、木梳很有古典风。每个卧室都有阳台,风景都很不错。整体感觉挺满意的。
瑶, from China
评价 Mar 23 2017
这家别墅的位置很不错,离机场不远,靠近沙滩,附近还有渔村。服务员给我们介绍到这渔村,渔村里有很多特色的餐厅、酒吧跟古老的木屋商店,而且每周五那里都会很热闹,建议我们可以去看看,离别墅大概五分钟的距离。虽然别墅厨师的厨艺不错,但是难免会想吃其他的,就可以去渔村走走。别墅的设施很完善,一般缺什么都可以跟服务员提,他们都会尽 ... Read more+ 量满足。别墅还有备用发电机,当岛上大面积停电时,这里是不会受影响的。
Susan, from Australia
评价 Mar 22 2017
This Villa is located at the West end of Bophut beach. As it is at the end of the beach nobody goes there and it is like having your own private beach. We booke ... Read more+ d though LuxuryVillasAndHomes.com who not just an agent - they actually manage this villa and all the others on the street. They are awesome. Their staff in the vila really looked after our family too. We loved all the fresh food and they really made us feel relaxed and special. They arranged a lovely babysitter to help with our young daughter. The villas on the street at Dhevatara Residence are almost the same as each other but some seem to have been photographed better than others. This Villa is actually the biggest and we thought it was the best because 3 of the bedrooms are elevated and have fantastic views across the bay. The Villa also has a backup power generator so whenever the island had its frequent brown-outs we were unaffected. Usually this is not an issue - but during our stay it turned out to be fantastically useful and we hadn't realised until we met other people on the island who had been without power and therefore water for hours at a time and even many local restaurants and stores were out of power - they had had a miserable time! This really is a great villa to stay at - you are pretty much guaranteed to have a great vacation.